Monday, June 7, 2010

Last entry

Now I know that a lot of you aren't really interested in heavy metal or in any rock band that I've talked about but If you did take the time to read my blogs i appreciated it and for those left a comment or two i also thank as well. This will be my last entry and with every ending comes a grand finally. Or in rocking "Encore" is when you give a bonus jam to your audience at a concert. It also means that the crowed likes your style in music and makes them want to listen to your songs more often. Now for all you metal and/or rock lovers I will leave you with three songs that I personally love and are in my top 10 most listened to songs. Each song will blow your minds out and show you true music in history of both genre of music. With out any delay here is the 3rd place song.  This is "Back In The U.S.S.R" by the Beatles.

What did you think of that...Maybe something faster is more listened to right? Here is the 2nd place song, "Dance of Death" by Iron Maiden.

As you can see the album covers of their songs gives the heavy metal impression. And last but not least here is the 1st place song *EXTREMELY LONG DRUM ROLL* "Sweating Bullets" by MEGADETH.

Hoped you guys liked my blogs. Goodbye.

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